Who We Are

The Fortified Whole Grain Alliance (FWGA) is a coalition of stakeholders that span across the food system, including nonprofit and private sector members and is committed to increasing the global consumption of fortified whole grains (FWG). It is committed to delivering its stated mission, purpose and vision by bringing together the collective expertise, resources, operations, funding, visibility, and convening power of its members. 

The founding partners of the Alliance are the Rockefeller Foundation, DSM and BCG. The Alliance specifically aims to reach 10M+ people with FWG through its initiatives by 2025, across 5+ countries. Work is underway in 3 countries i.e., Kenya, Rwanda, and Burundi with initial focus on maize, rice, and wheat to shift to fortified whole grain. In the future, the Alliance is interested in increasing the share of FWG that is blended with sorghum, millet, and other local nutritious and hardy grains in multigrain/multi-blend configurations.

Our Vision

At least 50% of grain foods in institutional markets and 25% in consumer markets consumed in fortified whole form in LMICs by 2032

Our Mission

Provide catalytic support to food system actors to increase the consumption and production of fortified whole grain foods globally

Our Purpose

Sustainably improve the diets of school children, vulnerable populations, and eventually whole populations, through increased consumption of FWG foods